Honor the grit that made America, enlighten others with state legacy, and create a healthy pride for local heritage.
Greetings Followers! Just letting you know that I have several prints ready for an upcoming birthday gifts or to start your early Christmas shopping and now you can get them with free shipping! Click here for the promotion to begin, it runs through October 11th.
In my pursuit to diversify and shotgunning the market with my work I am now on Society 6. I'm still looking for the right platform that supports artists in the best way but I think this platform is there. Stay tuned for more hand drawn quotes and future finalized dropcaps ready to be given to a loved one or placed on your wall.
Here are two questions for you: 1) what's one of your favorite quotes that could make it to print? and 2) what platform do you use to sell your work?
TOPOGRAPHIC LOVE - A Threadless Submission
Vote for my Threadless T-Shirt submission.
Read MorePhoto by Samuel Zeller
Happy Father's Day
Legacy. That is what today should be about, and I believe that actually legacy is at the heart of what we are celebrating in the midst of a commercialistic world.
Read MoreRecent Work - Commissioned Gig Poster
This piece was commissioned by a thoughtful husband wishing to add the final touch to a surprise birthday party for his wife. The illustration became a gig poster for the concert he and his friends put together. It was a pleasure moving away from corporate level work and doing something more illustrative. For more detailed shot of the poster go here.
As a freelance designer I am always opened to these types of commissions as the client was looking for a meaningful and unique product and open to spending money for it. This seriousness is than transferred to my work as I pull hours out of nowhere to make it happen.
It is a joy to see this proudly displayed and as a memory marker for generations to come. A birthday celebration lived on in a gig poster.
This Wednesday the Union Trading Co will be releasing their new menu along with prints made by myself. So stop by fro a refreshing drink and a print to bring some spring time flavors and colors to your home! It starts at 7pm and goes late. Located on 64 Fenyang Rd near Fuxing Zhong Rd with the entrance on Fuxing Zhong Rd.
WESTWOOD ALES - Update on My Work Page
Had a small breather break and had the chance to upload recent work I did for Westwood Ales as their Art and Brand Director. I am enjoying working on both the conceptual and execution ends of this brand as I venture away from the desk now and look to expand our visual and brand presence in Shanghai and soon to other parts of Asia. This has been the first company I've worked for that I feel fully invested and full ownership as I am doing this work from the perspective of a part owner of the company.
Stay tuned for more work! Now to tackle the website!
My pleasure to announce I have a shop open through Crated where you can find here. My goal is to post a hand letter quote a week as I continue my drawing a day project that you can follow on my Instgram. Christmas is coming and men need art in their dens as well!
RECENT WORK - The Union Trading Co.
Enjoy collaborating with the drink master Yao Lu in creating print concepts that visually embodied his cocktail creations. I turned to research I have done in vintage labels, typography, and graphics so as to create an experience and support the brand of The Union Trading Co.
Now there are more opportunities to expand these prints and ideas. Right now we are talking about cocktail and print release parties and I am searching for a platform to sell the prints online. I am excited to see where all of this will go, so stay tuned.
Definitely go for a refreshing and flavorful cocktail at The Union Trading Co. My favorite is the Boggis, Bunce, & Bean but that might change as there are 100 different cocktails on the list.